
Works in reviewing cycles

  • Özyıldız, Deniz, Ciyang Qing, Floris Roelofsen, Wataru Uegaki and Maribel Romero. under review. Challenges for the operationalization of focus-sensitivity in a cross-linguistic context. [Preprint]
  • Özyıldız, Deniz & Wataru Uegaki. under review. Clauses can be modifiers, or arguments: Evidence from alternations in factivity and answer-orientedness in Turkish and Japanese. [Preprint]
  • Qing, Ciyang, Deniz Özyıldız, Floris Roelofsen, Maribel Romero & Wataru Uegaki. under revision. When can non-veridical preferential attitude predicates take questions? [Preprint]
  • Uegaki, Wataru, Anne Mucha, Nathaniel Imel and Shane Steinert-Threlkeld. under review. Deontic priority in the lexicalization of impossibility modals. [Preprint]

Published or accepted works


  • Uegaki, Wataru. 2023. Question orientedness and the semantics of clausal complementation. Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy series, Springer. [link]

Wataru's Springer Book cover

Refereed articles in journals

  • Uegaki, Wataru, Anne Mucha, James Engels, Ella Hannon & Fred Whibley. 2024. Cross-linguistic dataset of force-flavor combinations in modal elements. Linguistic Variation. [DOI] (Open access)
  • Uegaki, Wataru. 2022. The informativeness/complexity trade-off in the domain of Boolean connectives. Linguistic Inquiry [DOI]
  • Uegaki, Wataru. 2021. The existential/uniqueness presupposition of wh-complements projects from the answers. Linguistics and Philosophy 44: 911–951. [DOI]
  • Cremers, Alexandre, Floris Roelofsen and Wataru Uegaki. 2019. Distributive ignorance inferences with wonder and believe. Semantics & Pragmatics 12. [DOI] (Open access)
  • Uegaki, Wataru and Yasutada Sudo. 2019. The *hope-wh puzzle. Natural Language Semantics. 23(4):323–356 [DOI] (Open access)
  • Uegaki, Wataru. 2019. The semantics of question-embedding predicates. Language and Linguistics Compass. 13(1). [DOI] (Open access)
  • Uegaki, Wataru. 2018. A unified semantics for the Japanese Q-particle ka in indefinites, questions and disjunctions. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics. 3(1), 14. [DOI] (Open access)
  • Elliott, Patrick D., Nathan Klinedinst, Yasutada Sudo and Wataru Uegaki. 2017. Predicates of relevance and theories of question embedding. Journal of Semantics 34(3): 547–554. [DOI]
  • Uegaki, Wataru. 2016. Content nouns and the semantics of question-embedding. Journal of Semantics 33(4): 623-660. [DOI]

Papers in conference proceedings, edited volumes and book reviews

  • Mucha, Anne, Wataru Uegaki, Mary Amaechi & Tim Jantarungsee. to appear. Disjunction with additives. Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 29.
  • Qing, Ciyang, Deniz Özyıldız, Floris Roelofsen, Maribel Romero & Wataru Uegaki. to appear. How context and focus modulate form-meaning mismatches in speech reports. Proceedings of WCCFL 41.
  • Mucha, Anne, Mary Amaechi, Fred Whibley & Wataru Uegaki. 2024. Future and the composition of modal meaning: the view from Igbo. Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 28. [DOI]
  • Mucha, Anne, James Engels, Fred Whibley & Wataru Uegaki. 2024. Negative modality in Hausa, Thai and Kiitharaka. Proceedings of TripleA. [DOI]
  • Deniz Özyıldız & Wataru Uegaki. 2023. Two question-embedding strategies and answer-orientedness. Proceedings of SALT 33. [DOI]
  • Uegaki, Wataru. 2023. The doubt-whether puzzle. In Łukasz Jędrzejowski and Carla Umbach, eds. Non-interrogative subordinate wh-clauses. OUP. [Published version] [Preprint DOI]
  • Özyıldız, Deniz, Ciyang Qing, Floris Roelofsen, Maribel Romero and Wataru Uegaki. 2023. A Crosslinguistic Database for Combinatorial and Semantic Properties of Attitude Predicates. Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Research in Computational Linguistic Typology and Multilingual NLP (SIGTYP 2023), Association for Computational Linguistics. [DOI]
  • Uegaki, Wataru. 2022. Semantic approaches to clause-type selection. In Hajime Ono and Yoichi Miyamoto, eds. Key Concepts in Experimental Pragmatics. Kaiyaku-sya.
  • Madonado, Mora, Jennifer Culbertson, and Wataru Uegaki. 2022. Learnability and constraints on the semantics of clause-embedding predicates. Proceedings of Cognitive Science Society annual meeting (CogSci) 2022. [Preprint DOI]
  • Uegaki, Wataru. 2021. Non-local use of the Japanese excessive marker sugi as an overtly QRed degree quantifier. R. Okabe, J. Yashima, Y. Kubota and T. Isono eds., The Joy and Enjoyment of Linguistic Research: A Festschrift for Takane Ito. Kaitaku-sya.
  • Roelofsen, Floris and Wataru Uegaki. 2021. Searching for a universal constraint on the possible denotations of clause-embedding predicates. Proceedings of SALT 30. [DOI]
  • Uegaki, Wataru. 2020. Review of Composing questions (by Hadas Kotek). Language 96(4): 946–951. [DOI]
  • Uegaki, Wataru. 2018. On the projection of the presupposition of embedded questions. Proceedings of SALT 28. [DOI]
  • Uegaki, Wataru and Floris Roelofsen. 2018. Do modals take propositions or sets of propositions? Evidence from Japanese darou. Proceedings of SALT 28. [DOI]
  • Uegaki, Wataru and Yasutada Sudo. 2017. The anti-rogativity of non-veridical preferential predicates. Proceedings of Amsterdam Colloquium 2017. [PDF]
  • Uegaki, Wataru. 2016. Japanese alternative questions and a unified in-situ semantics for ka. Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 21. [PDF]
  • Roelofsen, Floris and Wataru Uegaki. 2016. The distributive ignorance puzzle. Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 21. [PDF]
  • Uegaki, Wataru. 2014. Cross-linguistic variation in the derivation of alternative questions: Japanese and beyond. In Uli Sauerland and Luka Crnič (eds.), The Art and Craft of Semantics: A Festschrift for Irene Heim, 251-274. Cambridge, MA: MIT Working Papers in Linguistics. [PDF]
  • Uegaki, Wataru. 2014. Predicting the distribution of exhaustive inference in a QUD model. Proceedings of NELS 44. [PDF]
  • Uegaki, Wataru. 2014. Japanese alternative questions are disjunctions of polar questions. Proceedings of SALT 24. [DOI]
  • Uegaki, Wataru and Paul Marty. 2013. Investigating the alternative-sensitivity of “know”. Proceedings of SALT 23. [DOI]
  • Uegaki, Wataru. 2012. Inquisitive knowledge attribution and the Gettier problem. In Maria Aloni, Floris Roelofsen, Katrin Schulz, Galit Weidmann-Sassoon & Matthijs Westera (eds.), Logic, Language and Meaning: Selected Revised Papers from the 18th Amsterdam Colloquium. LNAI, LNCS, Springer. [DOI]
  • Uegaki, Wataru. 2011. ‘Nearly free’ control as an underspecified de se report. Empirical Issues in Syntax and Semantics 8: 511-536. [PDF]
  • Kubota, Yusuke and Wataru Uegaki. 2009. Nothing else for something else: a variable-free account. Proceedings of SALT 19. [DOI]
  • Kubota, Yusuke and Wataru Uegaki. 2009. Continuation-based semantics for Conventional Implicatures: The case of Japanese benefactives. Proceedings of SALT 19. [DOI]

PhD dissertation

  • Uegaki, Wataru. 2015. Interpreting questions under attitudes, PhD dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. [DSpace link]

Other manuscripts (available upon request)

  • Uegaki, Wataru. Ms. Predicting the exhaustivity of embedded questions under factive predicates.
  • Uegaki, Wataru. Ms. Hamblin semantics for Telugu wh-indeterminates and correlatives, MIT.
  • Uegaki, Wataru. Ms. A scale-based semantics for Japanese resultatives.
  • Uegaki, Wataru. Ms. [r]-epenthesis in Fukuoka Japanese verbal inflection. Generals Paper, MIT.